Thursday, April 29, 2010


Someone said something last month that kinda stuck with me. They asked a pretty difficult question: If you were to lose everything - your friends, your home, your family, EVERYTHING like Job did in the Bible... would God still be enough?? And in my head that's just not one of those questions I can honestly say I answered right away with a "Well, of course!!". It was more like "You mean lose everything??" then "Well I would hope so".

Because really - if just my camera broke right now I would be devastated! So how would I act if I lost everything?

I know of many people who have gone or are going through tragedies in their life. I am blessed that I am not one of them.

But I pray that if I ever have to go through something horrible, that I would turn to Him and He would be enough. Because I know that I could never do it alone.

So now when just something small goes wrong, I have to remind myself that I should be so thankful that my "big" problems are things like the dog peeing on the bed... or that my hair never does what I want... or having "so much to do in so little time"... or when things just don't go the way I expect/want them to.


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